Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Choosing a Major

Many wonder why I am choosing to receive a biomedical engineering degree before I become an MD. The answer to this is easy; 1. An engineering degree is the most respected type of degree of any, especially from a school such as Georgia Tech and 2. If I am not able to get into medical school then a BME degree will be nice to fall back on and pursuit a career in this field. So far this field has really interested me and If I do happen to become a BME I would be very happy with this. Over the last couple of years I have done a few interns with companies that made prosthetics such as Midland Prosthetics and I enjoyed them greatly. Outside factors such as the opinion of friends and family also led me to the field of BME. My family is full of both doctors and engineers and both sides wanted me to pursuit a career that correlates with their profession. In order to please both sides, BME which can be seen as a mix between the medical and engineering fields, was chosen. A Biomedical Engineering degree is also desired because it requires and majority of biology and chemistry classes, which are my two favorite subjects when it comes to academics. On this basis, if I were to have to choose another major, it would definitely be either Chemical Engineering or just regular biology. Memorization is also one of my strongest skills and although engineering fields require the application skill also, a lot of memorization is required for the medical side of the degree, or if a medical degree is required later on in life.