Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Clubs and Activities

Although sadly I have not been able to join any clubs yet, there are many opportunities out there for me to get involved that I am interested in. Such clubs as the Marksman Club or Archery Club really interests me because I love weapons of all kinds. It seems like it would be very fun and a good stress reliever to be able to practice on my aim with a rifle or a bow. On a more serious note, I am also interested in the BMES or Biomedical Engineering Society. For what many have told me, this club has very good connections in the Biomedical Engineering field and has a whole united dedicated to students who want to become doctors and go to Med School such as myself. This club seems like it would be very beneficial to me. Another club I really need to join is GTSBE, or Georgia Tech Society of Black Engineers, because not only did they give me a nice scholarship, but as a member I get a lot of software benefits also. There are also tons more scholarships available with this organization if I become a collegiate member. So why have I not joined any of these organizations yet, I really cannot answer that. The main reason would probably be because I am lazy and don’t like getting up on Thursday morning to get to the meetings. I have been telling myself that I was going to go to both clubs meetings for the last 3 weeks but when the time comes I go straight for the snooze button. Sometimes I just wonder WHAT am I doing with my life. I really need to get my stuff together if I am going to be successful here at Tech. 

1 comment:

  1. What about making it a goal to go to 1 club meeting (either the Marksman Club, Archery Club, BMES or GTSBE) sometime this month... start small and then build. Would that be a reasonable goal?
